"Cleopatra" is a historical novel by H. Rider Haggard. The story revolves around the survival of a dynasty bloodline protected by the Priesthood of Isis, set in the Ptolemaic era of Ancient Egyptian history. The main character, Harmachis, is the living descendant of the pharaoh's bloodline, and he is charged by the Priesthood to overthrow the supposed impostor Cleopatra, drive out the Greeks and Romans, and restore Egypt to its golden era. As the story unfolds, Harmachis returns to Egypt after years in exile in Greece. He is accompanied by the Greek philosopher who serves as his advisor and confidante. Together, they devise a plan to overthrow Cleopatra and restore the old religion of Egypt. However, Harmachis soon finds himself falling in love with Cleopatra, complicating his mission and putting his loyalty to Egypt to the test. Will Harmachis get the realization of his mission? Are they going to be successful? "Cleopatra" is a captivating historical novel that offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of Ancient Egypt and the enigmatic queen who ruled it, with a thrilling plot that combines action, romance, and political intrigue.
- 9789357486002
- 9789357486002
- Category:
- Ancient history: to c 500 CE
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- 03-01-2023
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Double 9 Books
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