Effective Coaching Leads to Sustainability in Safety, Quality, and Reliability
What sustains performance? What encourages workers to change their behaviors so that standards remain high and uncompromising each day? What one tool can management master so that sustainability for any initiative or standard is maintained? How do you most effectively engage your workforce? This book answers these questions. Many people believe that their organization's observation and coaching process is good enough. Many people within these organizations view observations of work activities as another burden that management must contend with. There are various approaches to performance enhancement but none as powerful as real-time coaching and feedback, and none have experienced the success of those who have learned and correctly utilized Coaching to Enhance Performance© (CTEP). By honing their observation skills and using the CTEP 8-step feedback method, many of our clients in high-risk industries have experienced immediate behavior change, sustainability, high quality, safety, and reliability.
This book shows you how to:
- Leverage the power behind real-time coaching,
- Sustain high, uncompromising standards each day, avoiding human nature's tendency to drift,
- Distinguish between coaching and counseling,
- Deal with and motivate negative people,
- Enhance overall quality and safety in the work process,
- Positively influence strong behaviors for great results,
- Enhance your observation skills,
- Leverage the power behind positive reinforcement and critiques,
- Intervene when performance is wrong or risky and handle any response,
- Use a proven 8-step debriefing process that is well received and results in by-in for desired changes in behaviors,
- And much more!
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