After the Demon Lord Viper’s “selfdestruction,” relative peace returns to Hideout City. Now, Six and the others can turn their attention to more important matters—like how sexy their new recruit’s uniform is! But in no time at all, chaos descends yet again. The neighboring kingdom of Toris has come under the control of a new organization. When an agent of this mysterious entity starts stirring up trouble, Six and the others decide to respond the only way the Kisaragi Corporation knows how—with acts of villainy! The battle for total world domination is heating up, but will this new enemy be a match for everyone’s favorite evil organization?
- 9781975325176
- 9781975325176
- Uncategorized
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Yen Press
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