Congenital heart surgery: a discipline on its own, reune alguns textos de cunho cientĂfico que tratam de tĂłpicos importantes a respeito da profissĂŁo cirurgiĂŁo, destacando pontos como a diferença entre as cirurgias cardiovascular geral e a cirurgia cardĂaca pediĂĄtrica, considerando seus planos de negĂłcio, infraestrutura e mĂŁo de obra. A obra conta com a contribuição de profissionais experientes da ĂĄrea que buscam refletir e analisar as essĂȘncias do fazer e como fazer nas instituiçÔes onde sĂŁo realizados esses procedimentos. This work presents some scientific texts about important topics regarding the surgeon profession, highlighting points such as the difference between general cardiovascular surgery and pediatric cardiac surgery, considering their business plans, infrastructure and workforce. This book counts on the contribution of experienced professionals in the subject who seek to reflect and analyze the essences of doing and how to do it in the institutions where these procedures are carried out.

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