- ACEEE has partner organizations and publications that have in the past made bulk purchases in order to expand the book's reach, including Consumer Guide magazine.
- The Consumer Guide, first published in 1990, has sold over 200,000 copies. The accepted resource on the topic, this tenth edition comes at a heightened time of energy-consciousness.
- Thoroughly updated sections on lighting options, given recent advances in the technology.
- It includes effective guidance tools for consumer decision making, including: Step-by-step guides for finding and purchasing the right equipment; updated information about government incentives and programs to encourage the use of energy-efficient appliances; and tying energy-efficiency to sustainability — Information on how to reduce your carbon footprint and other tips.
- It also includes energy use characteristics, comparisons of available technologies, and the most cost-effective repair and replacement options for each end use in the home.
- Separate chapters deal with heating, cooling and ventilation.
- Utility companies are expected to buy into the book in quantity to give to their customers, as they have with past editions.
- 9781550925203
- 9781550925203
- Home & house maintenance
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- New Society Publishers
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