Contemporary Challenges in Clinical Legal Education

Contemporary Challenges in Clinical Legal Education

by Matthew Atkinson and Ben Livings
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 18/08/2023

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This edited book addresses contemporary challenges in clinical legal education (CLE), considering its role in legal education and in the broader community it serves.

Written by experts from various international contexts, the book explores how the changing nature and requirements of legal practice alongside social and technological developments affect the pedagogy of clinical legal education. Chapters chart the development of clinical legal education across various jurisdictions and examine developments in programme design and supervision of and in CLE along with the role of CLE in the community. The authors also reflect on the dynamic and developing role of clinical legal education and offer recommendations for the future.

This book will be essential reading for academics, researchers in clinical legal education, and those interested in legal education across the world. It will also be of interest to students of clinical legal education whose research requires a deeper understanding of the current themes and issues of the subject.

Higher & further education
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Taylor & Francis

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