Copyright Bill of Rights

Copyright Bill of Rights

by Alliance of Independent Authors
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 02/05/2024

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Copyright law, policy, and practice underwrites the publication and sale of books. The income that every author and publisher receives derives from copyright law. Independent authors, who are both writers and publishers, and who actively manage their own publishing rights, need to understand the importance of copyright and how to assert their rights in the digital age.

As a global nonprofit organization promoting ethics and excellence in self-publishing, ALLi advocates for the fair treatment and empowerment of the individual (“indie”) author in the publishing and self-publishing sectors. It is our responsibility, and our honor, to put forward the issues that independent authors face in the course of doing their work and running their businesses. No issue is more fundamental than copyright.

How can we ensure that copyright law remains robust and flexible enough to offer the incentive, protection and reward it promises for those authors who produce and distribute their books on self-publishing platforms, and license only some of their publishing rights to trade publishers and other rights buyers?

How can we ensure that authors understand and avail of their economic and moral rights in the rapidly changing, technologized and entrepreneurial environment within which they do their work?

We present our answers to these important questions in the form of a Copyright Bill of Rights that builds on the work of previous authors and copyright activists to take into account the experience of self-publishing writers over the past decade.

Publishing industry & book trade
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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