“Takes us to the front lines of the space- and cyber-security world. A must-read to preview how our national-security future will unfold!” —Gen. Richard B. Myers (USAF-Ret.), former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
In Space Wars, Scott, Coumatos, and Birnes created a fascinating war gaming scenario of how World War III might unfold above the Earth’s surface. Now this thrilling team of writers reunites with Counterspace, an even more chilling fictionalized look at America’s most catastrophic fears.
What if North Korea detonated a nuclear weapon in space and silenced dozens of satellites?
What if an Iranian missile threatened to destroy Israel, while a Venezuelan “research” satellite endangered one of the US’s most promising space initiatives?
What if tech-savvy terrorist cells unleashed back-to-back horrors in California, creating an avalanche of crises overnight, as national leaders robbed of spy satellite imagery were forced to make decisions in the “blind?”
These are the scenarios of Counterspace, a frighteningly plausible look at threats to the United States and the world. Scott, Coumatos, and Birnes use war gaming scenarios to show how the US Strategic Command might choose to fight off these menaces and prevent global disaster. Combining current and future technology with our enemies’ grandest plans, Counterspace is equally a terrifying possibility and a hopeful affirmation that America can and will be ready to face such dangers, told with the pulse-pounding power of a modern-day thriller.
“A page-turning techno-thriller . . . the story reads like today’s headlines, faithfully taking the reader inside the minds of madmen, heroes and space warriors.” —Elliot Holokauahi Pulham, Chief Executive Officer, The Space Foundation
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