Creativity Genius & Mental Disorders

Creativity Genius & Mental Disorders

by Grace Robinson
Publication Date: 09/05/2015

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Creativity is the complex of skills, competencies and skills that enable an individual to produce new ways to combine data elements, or new ways of behaving issues around what constitutes the shared cultural horizon. As such, it contributes to the adaptation of individual psycho-social and even favors the evolutionary success of the groups to which those individuals belong. Ultimately, to create means to produce something new, something that did not exist in that form. Inevitably confronts the creative tradition, which is essential background for the recognition of novelty, which puts in question the validity and authority. Schizophrenia, the great enigma of Psychiatry, is the mental disorder that has previously received the most attention in the investigation of the link between creativity and psychopathology. More recently, greater emphasis was given to mood swings that accompany the manic-depressive illness, also called bipolar disorder today. However, new studies on the neuropsychology of schizophrenia have reignited interest in this class psychopathology, regaining the most elusive of "mental illness" a new role in the investigation of the link between creativity and mental suffering.

Cognition & cognitive psychology
Publication Date:
ALVIS International Editions

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