Crest of the Stars: Volume 2

Crest of the Stars: Volume 2

by Hiroyuki Morioka
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 10/08/2019

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The war between the spacefaring civilization of the Abh Empire and the united forces of surface-dwelling “Landers” has commenced in earnest — and it promises to decide the destinies of all of humankind across the cosmos.

Flung into the fray of a war they never wanted, Jint and Princess Lafier must find a way to aid the Empire’s war efforts, but they are hindered by a less than savory fellow Abh and by United Humankind forces alike, all while stranded and bereft of supplies. What allies can they find on an unfamiliar world blanketed by anti-Abh propaganda? How can they even evade capture while the planet’s police are hot on the lookout for them? The pair’s mettle — and their bond with each other — shall be tested and then some in the exhilarating second chapter of their personal saga! Be there to watch an epic space opera romp unfold!

Space opera
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
J-Novel Club
Hiroyuki Morioka

Hiroyuki Morioka is a Japanese author best known for the series Crest of the Stars and Banner of the Stars.

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