There is often an overlap between family law and criminal defense. Sometimes the criminal implications in family law cases are obvious, such as domestic violence, but they are often less so, such as unlawful tracking and surveillance. Family law attorneys who do not understand the criminal implications and recognize this overlap can accidentally exacerbate the situation by not being able to advice their clients properly.
Criminal Law for Family Law Attorneys is designed to help family law attorneys keep their clients out of trouble. While this book will not make you an expert in criminal defense, it will help you identify the issues so that you can appropriately advise your client or get them counsel from a criminal defense attorney. Sometimes, the best thing we can do for our clients is identify and address potential issues before they become problems.
Table of Contents:
- Overview of the Criminal Law Process
- The Family Violence Process: Criminal and Civil
- Child Protective Services and Domestic/Criminal Case
- Family Violence Crimes
- Misdemeanor Family Violence Convictions and Firearm Possession
- Invasion of Privacy
- The Use of Private Investigators
- Parental Kidnapping and Custodial Interference
- Child Abandonment and Failure to Pay Support
- Impact of Criminal Convictions on Retirement Benefits
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