Revival is birthed in the heart of God and transferred to anyone who has faith for the impossible. When John Wesley first visited Herrnhut, Germany, to see the Moravian movement, his response was, “When will this Christianity fill the earth?” The kingdom of God is indeed filling the earth today. In this book you will learn how to maintain an unoffendable heart; use your voice effectively to prepare the way; demonstrate a lifestyle of love; marry the land; live effectively in consecrated community; be grounded in the Word; persevere to win the prize; be activated through intimacy with Christ. No matter your age, you can be a part of this band of committed disciples who come together under the banner of holy devotion and unwavering commitment to contend for God’s kingdom to come.
- 9780985495510
- 9780985495510
- Personal Christian testimony & popular inspirational works
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Fire and Fragrance
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