Cyber Laundering

Cyber Laundering

by Nathalie Rébé
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 12/03/2023

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This book illustrates current cyber laundering practices and the underlying risks associated with them, such as cross-border crimes and terrorism financing. Despite the existence of international regulations and strong worldwide cooperation, countermeasures and international response efforts are often hindered by enforcement and jurisdictional issues, as well as online asset recovery complexity.

This work investigates the blockages to the accomplishment of cyber laundering regulation and enforcement at the international level. It provides strong legal recommendations for fostering the construction of more efficient means of legal implementation.


  • Preface

  • About the Editor

  • About the Contributors

  • Acknowledgments

  • List of Abbreviations

  • List of Tables

  • Introduction (Nathalie Rébé)

  • Virtual Laundering Practices:

    • Turning Cash to Cryptocurrency (Eric Fulton)

    • Combating Blockchain-Enabled Crime (Mansoor Ahmed-Rengers)

    • Online Casinos: Artificial Intelligence and Money Laundering (Fausto Martin De Sanctis)

    • Not a Game: The Need to Harmonize a Global Regulatory Approach to Combat Money Laundering via Virtual Assets in Massively Multiplayer Online Games (Mikhail Reider-Gordon)

    • Malicious Financial Activities in the Dark Web — Prevailing Information and Knowledge (Tal Pavel)

    • Cyber Terrorism and Organized Crime (Georg Thomas)

  • Countermeasures and International Response:

    • Evolution of Legal and Regulatory Responses to Money Laundering Risks Related to Virtual Assets: The Examples of the European Union and the US (Tanya Gibbs)

    • Worldwide Cooperation and Enforcement Issues (Benjamin Musau)

    • Anti-Cyber Laundering: The Inclusion of Virtual Asset Service Providers (Jennifer Palpacuer and Benjamin Aouizerat)

    • Cryptocurrencies' Asset Recovery: A Multi-Dimensional Approach (Stavros Katsios and Ioannis Blatsos)

    • Prosecuting Transnational Cybercrimes: From Territorial Sovereignty to New Jurisdiction — The Swiss Experience (Ludovic Tirelli)

  • Index

Readership: Intended for Finance, IT and Law postgraduate students. Also useful for researchers, lawyers and policymakers.

Key Features:

  • This book is a compilation of articles from worldwide academics and professionals specializing in IT and Law as well as Financial crimes

Science funding & policy
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
World Scientific Publishing Company

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