- Everyone has an insight, a voice that comes from within ones soul.
- This is the voice responsible in influencing and directing us throughout our life.
- That voice is constantly telling us "Get up right now!
- Take charge of your life and manifest your destiny".
- It involves transforming yourself and taking charge of your life.
- If you stay stagnant then life will not happen for you.
- You might never experience the true potential of yourself.
- Life is not only about the style of living, sleeping, eating, working and travelling but to explore, experiment, observe, thoughtful processes and taking risks towards change.
- Within this book, you will learn the proven principles and strategies that bring your deepest wishes to fruition in a year.
- 9798215750889
- 9798215750889
- Complementary therapies
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Jonathan\Levin
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