This book uses the PostgreSQL-version of Sakila sample database which is a fictitious database designed to represent a DVD rental store. The 15 tables of the database include film, film_category, actor, customer, rental, payment and inventory among others. The Sakila sample database is intended to provide a standard schema that can be used for examples in books, tutorials, articles, samples, and so forth. You can download the sample database from
In this project, you will design the form for every table and you will plot: top 10 film distribution by release year; top 10 film distribution by rating; top 10 film distribution by rental duration; top 10 film distribution by language; film distribution by categorized rental rate; film distribution by categorized length; film distribution by categorized replacement cost; top 10 film distribution by actor name; top 10 actor name distribution by average rental rate; top 10 actor name distribution by average replacement cost; film distribution by rating; rating distribution by average rental rate; rating distribution by average replacement cost; top 10 film distribution by category name, category distribution by average replacement cost; category distribution by average rental rate; category distribution by length; top 10 city distribution by country; top 10 address distribution by district, top 10 address distribution by country; top 10 address distribution by city; top 10 address distribution by district; top 10 address distribution by country; top 10 address distribution by city; top 10 inventory distribution by release year; top 10 inventory distribution by film rating; top 10 inventory distribution by film language; top 10 inventory distribution by film rental duration; top 10 inventory distribution by city; top 10 inventory distribution by country; top 10 customer distribution by country; and so on.
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