"Deadly Echoes" is the nail-biting sequel to a thrilling murder mystery. The case has been solved, or so everyone thought. But as new evidence surfaces, it becomes clear that the detectives may have captured the wrong murderer. With the original detectives retired, their daughter and an older version of the other detective must pick up the pieces and continue the hunt for the true killer. But this time, the stakes are higher as the murderer seems to be one step ahead. Will they be able to solve the case and bring the killer to justice, or will the echoes of the past lead to more deadly consequences? Find out in "Deadly Echoes".
- 9798223289340
- 9798223289340
- Category:
- Crime & mystery
- Publication Date:
- 24-04-2023
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- ​Grayman Concepts
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