The coral snake is a burrowing and secretive snake. For this reason alone there are sparse encounters between humans and this reptile. However, especially with the rise of camping and outdoor activities, humans have firsthand contact with them. My e-book tells about people who have come across contact with the snakes while on scouting trips and even one Florida resident who had the misfortune of picking one up while he was mowing the lawn. Coral snakes are the only snake found in America that had venom like a cobra, only in less quantity. There is an urgency to find antivenin for anyone who is bitten by a coral snake because its venom will shut down a human's nervous system completely. In some cases, as my book notes, sufficient antivenin was only available from zoos.
- 9781310748158
- 9781310748158
- Category:
- Wildlife: reptiles & amphibians
- Publication Date:
- 10-05-2016
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Robert Grey Reynolds, Jr
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