Deathwatch: Ignition

Deathwatch: Ignition

by Ben CounterSteve Lyons Robbie MacNiven and others
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 15/11/2016

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As Chaplain Ortan Cassius becomes entangled in the insidious Ghosar Enigma, he turns to the legends of the Deathwatch to find the most worthy of his brethren. The Space Marines that will go on to form Kill Team Cassius have faced diverse and deadly challenges at every turn each has his own story, each harbours his own resentment of the foe, and each has his own method of ensuring its ultimate destruction.

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It's eleven iconic tales of the heroes from the Deathwatch: Overkill boxed game. Learn about their past before you command them in a mission to defeat a genestealer cult.

Science fiction
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Black Library
Ben Counter

Ben Counter is a lifelong gamer and miniature enthusiast living in the UK, near Portsmouth. He is best known for his series of novels for Games Workshop including the Grey Knights and Soul Drinkers series, and has also written supplements for roleplaying games including Dark Heresy, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and World of Darkness. He is a founder of Death Spiral Games, publisher of the RPG Sleeper- Orphans of the Cold War.

Trademarks of his fiction include flights of Moorcockian strangeness, gruesome horror, blood-spattered action scenes and stratospheric body counts. A connoisseur of creative ways to waste time, he is a passionate (and, he likes to point out, award-winning) miniature painter, as well as a regular at his local game shop where he can be found playing miniature wargames, refereeing tournaments of Magic- the Gathering or running RPGs.

Steve Lyons

Steve Lyons’ work in the Warhammer 40,000 universe includes the novellas Engines of War and Angron's Monolith, the Imperial Guard novels Death World, Ice Guard and Dead Men Walking, and the audio dramas Waiting Death and The Madness Within. He has also written numerous short stories and is currently working on more tales from the grim darkness of the far future.

Robbie MacNiven

Robbie MacNiven is a Highlands-born History graduate from the University of Edinburgh. He has written the Warhammer Age of Sigmar novella The Bone Desert, as well as the Warhammer 40,000 novels Blood of Iax, The Last Hunt, Carcharodons: Red Tithe, Carcharodons: Outer Dark and Legacy of Russ. His short stories include 'Redblade', 'A Song for the Lost' and 'Blood and Iron'. His hobbies include re-enacting, football and obsessing over Warhammer 40,000.

Ian St. Martin

Ian St. Martin is the author of the Horus Heresy: Primarchs audio drama Konrad Curze: A Lesson in Darkness. He has also written the Warhammer 40,000 novels Lucius: The Faultless Blade and Deathwatch: Kryptman’s War, along with the short stories 'Adeptus Titanicus: Hunting Ground', 'City of Ruin' and 'In Wolves' Clothing'. He lives and works in Washington DC, caring for his cat and reading anything within reach.

Mark Clapham

Scriptwriter Mark Clapham is a writer and reviewer of graphic novels, games and cult television shows.

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