Make room for your brilliant life.
Design For Your Mind by Annie Guest is a groundbreaking look at how we can create spaces to support our emotional and intellectual needs–now, and for the rest of our lives.
The author draws on her background as a mental health therapist and former family caregiver to introduce the principles of Benessent Design–interior design that goes beyond attending to our physical requirements to foster our well-being as whole people.
Annie takes us through her own revelations as she renovated the house her parents left her–room by room, always with an eye to pursuing the purpose of the room and its potential to support creativity and focus–and she shows us how to achieve dramatic results without spending a fortune. The book is filled with 'Before' and 'After' photos and stories, and discussions of the science behind good design are lively and easy to follow.
Ultimately, Design For Your Mind is about what we need to thrive as human beings and how we can help meet those needs with the design choices we make for our homes. Whether you plan to design rooms to promote your focus and creativity, create a space that helps you stay organized and productive, or ward off anxiety and depression and maintain good brain health so you can age happily in place, Design For Your Mind is just the guide you need.
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