The second edition of this work, now with the expanded title of Design of Electromechanical and Combination Products, covers the design and development of electromechanical products, updated throughout to focus not only on an Agile Systems approach but also its application to disposables and consumables.
Providing a practical set of guidelines and thorough examination of best practices, this book focuses on cutting-edge research on sustainability of electromechanical and combination products.
Key Features
- Presents the design, development, and life cycle management of electromechanical and combination products
- Provides a practical set of guidelines and best practices for world-class design
- Explains the role of costing and pricing in product design
- Covers Design for X and its role in product life-cycle management
- Examines the dynamics of cross-functional design and product development teams
- Develops DHF and DMR as tools and inherent components of configuration management
- Includes numerous real-world examples of electromechanical and combination product designs
This book is intended for scientists, engineers, designers, and technical managers, and provides a gateway to developing a product’s design history file (DHF) and device master record (DMR). These tools enable the design team to communicate a product’s design, manufacturability, and service procedures with various cross-functional teams.
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