Dirty Money: A Parker Novel 24

Dirty Money: A Parker Novel 24

by Richard Stark
Epub (Adobe), Epub (Kobo)
Publication Date: 01/04/2010

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In Ask the Parrot, Parker and his two cohorts had stolen the assets of a bank in transit, but the police heat was so great they could only escape if they left the money behind. In this follow-up novel, Parker and his associates plot to reclaim the loot, which they hid in the choir loft of an unused country church. As they implement the plan, people on both sides of the law use the forces at their command to stop Parker and seize the money for themselves. Remorseless as ever, Parker will do whatever it takes to redeem his prize, no matter who gets hurt in the process. His new getaway van may have ‘Holy Redeemer Choir’ emblazoned on its doors, but Parker is no choirboy …
Crime & mystery
Epub (Adobe), Epub (Kobo)
Publication Date:
Quercus Publishing
Richard Stark

Richard Stark was one of the many pseudonyms of Donald E. Westlake (1933-2008), a prolific author of crime fiction.

In 1993, the Mystery Writers of America bestowed the society's highest honor on Westlake, naming him a Grand Master.

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