From understanding the concepts of research and gathering data, to writing it all up and sharing knowledge, this book will guide your students to become researchers by giving them:
- a confident start with clarity on core concepts and getting it right ethically
- step-by-step guidance at each point in the research process, showing them diversity in approaches, the impact of context and how to overcome problems
- case studies of how real researchers embrace the challenges, surprises and successes of research
- an emphasis on the person in context, so their research is reflective of the realities of social work and social care practice
- a guide to writing it up and achieving impact and positive change with research.
- 9781473987838
- 9781473987838
- Social work
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- SAGE Publications
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