Four of the best: a quartet of John Locke's bestselling Donovan Creed novels in one volume.
Donovan Creed is paid to kill people. But he's not a bad guy. Sure, he's got issues. He makes mistakes. He's terrible with women. He's a pretty neglectful father. But his heart is in the right place – and occasionally, just occasionally, he'll try and do the right thing...
- WISH LIST: Be careful what you wish for...
- A GIRL LIKE YOU: Would you give up the woman you love if her death could save millions?
- VEGAS MOON: What crimes would you commit to save your own life?
- THE LOVE YOU CRAVE: Who would you turn to when you've betrayed everyone you love?
- 9781781854358
- 9781781854358
- Thriller / suspense
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Bloomsbury Publishing
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