Last night the rain poured down. Today the stream is empty! Where did the water go? It's a good thing Dot and Jabber are on the case--these mouse detectives love mysteries. Their scrambling search upstream leads to funny encounters with a puddle full of minnows and a snake . . . and to lots of clues. But can the detectives figure out just how those clues fit together?
Ellen Stoll Walsh, creator of the popular Mouse Paint mice, brings us this companion book to Dot & Jabber and the Great Acorn Mystery. An afterword presents easy-to-understand facts about storms and dams.
- 9781328661548
- 9781328661548
- General fiction (Children's / Teenage)
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout), Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- HarperCollins
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