Kidnap. Violence. Explosions. Murder. No ordinary weekend. But then, James Bond is no ordinary boy.In a London cemetery a professor is kidnapped at gunpoint. A suspicious letter crammed with cryptic clues arrives at Eton. To decipher the deadly mystery, James Bond must take a series of dangerous gambles. Once the code is cracked, he has just 48 hours to save the professor from the dark forces that threaten to destroy both teacher and student – and the rest of the world . . .Double or Die is the third amazing Young Bond adventure from bestselling author Charlie Higson.
- 9781906772635
- 9781906772635
- Adventure stories (Children's / Teenage)
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Ian Fleming Publications
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