Dying to Self

Dying to Self

by William Law and Andrew Murray
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 20/01/2022

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This classic Christian book combines the work of two famous authors from the past: Andrew Murray (a famous South African preacher and writer born in the 1800s) and William Law (a priest from the Church of England born in the 1600s).

In it, Andrew Murray provides commentary on the work of William Law which tackles a very difficult subject for many Christians: dying to self. First published in the 1800s, "Dying to Self" is one of Murray's (and Law's) lesser known works. Though written many years ago, Murray's comments on Law's insightful text have been "pure gold" to the hearts of numerous readers.

The conversational style of the book between two people (Eusebius and Theophilus) seeking further enlightenment on the topic was written by Law, with explanations provided by Murray. Law's wisdom, combined with Murray's commentary, makes for an excellent treatment of the subject which will be especially helpful to Christians who don't fully understand what "dying to self" really means. The good news, as Murray so expertly points out, is that this "dying to self" can and will be wrought by the Spirit of God when we surrender to Him. Fans of Murray's book on Hebrews ("The Holiest of All") will recognize that "Dying to Self" further clarifies Murray's teachings as expounded in that book.

Personal Christian testimony & popular inspirational works
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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Olahauski Books
Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray has been Chief of Staff of Unite union since 2011, and was previously its Director of Communications. He was Chair of the Stop the War Coalition from 2001 to 2011, when he was replaced by Jeremy Corbyn, and again from 2015 to 2016.

From 1978 to 1984 he worked as a parliamentary and political correspondent for the Morning Star newspaper. He is the author of a number of books on history and politics, including Off the Rails: The Crisis on Britain's Railways (Verso 2001), A New Labour Nightmare (Verso 2003) and Stop the War: The Story of Britain's Biggest Mass Movement (Bookmarks 2005, with Lindsey German). He worked as part of the strategic leadership of Labour's 2017 general election campaign.

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