Bonus Edition
Three Books In One
Dynamic Thought
The Power Of Thought
Within You Is The Power
Henry Thomas Hamblin
Dynamic Thought 1923
The Power Of Thought 1920
Within You Is The Power 1955
Bonus Edition
Dynamic Thought
The objects of Dynamic Thought are: (1) To alter your mental attitude (2) To direct your thoughts into those channels which lead to success, achievement, health, happiness, and perfect good, (3) The arousing of the inward power, (4) Overcoming of bad habits, (5) The building of character, (6) The discovery and development of the creative faculty.
The Power Of Thought
Henry Thomas Hamblin was an English mystic, New Thought author, and founder of magazine The Science of Thought Review, which achieved wide readership.
Within You Is The Power
Throughout his life Hamblin experienced a divine presence. He described this experience as totally peaceful. As he became successful these experiences were exchanged for night terrors. Hamblin realized that he must retire from his success and at that time his peace returned. Through this book we can learn to use the power from within to elevate our lives to a higher level.
File information:
File size (Digital) (869KB)
Books (3)
Biography (Yes)
Page count (8.5x11) (229)
Word count (92,098)
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