Early Australian Voyages: Pelsart, Tasman, Dampier

Early Australian Voyages: Pelsart, Tasman, Dampier

by John Pinkerton and Henry Morley
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 11/04/2024

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In 'Early Australian Voyages: Pelsart, Tasman, Dampier', John Pinkerton takes readers on a fascinating journey through the exploration and discovery of Australia by three prominent historical figures. Pinkerton meticulously details the voyages of Pelsart, Tasman, and Dampier, offering a vivid account of their encounters with the land and its indigenous inhabitants. The book is rich in historical references and primary sources, making it a valuable resource for scholars and history enthusiasts alike. Pinkerton's writing style is both engaging and informative, providing a comprehensive look at the early exploration of Australia. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of Australian exploration and the impact of European arrivals on indigenous cultures. John Pinkerton's expertise in maritime history and early exploration shines through in this well-researched and engaging narrative, making 'Early Australian Voyages' a captivating read for those curious about the discovery of the land down under.

Australasian & Pacific history
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Sharp Ink

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