Elspeth has escaped the clutches of the dastardly Miss Crabb and her sidekick Gladys Goulash and now she's determined to find her parents. After the dim-witted Gladys let slip that they'd been sent to Australia, Elspeth sets off on their trail, with the help of her best friend Rory and his snooty butler, Mr Tunnock. But Elspeth needs her wits about her as she ventures through the rainforest - there's something whiffy in the air. Could it be that Elspeth hasn't seen the last of her enemies?
A fast-paced and funny story from a fresh new voice in children's fiction, Elspeth Hart's quirky adventures will delight fans of David Walliams, Lemony Snicket and Roald Dahl.
- 9781847157638
- 9781847157638
- Humorous stories (Children's / Teenage)
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Little Tiger Press
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