Elvira's temporal adventures land her in hot water - so hot -- one more time, and it may be the last. Her new nemesis sends her to the worst place in the universe, and we're not talking about Encino! See it all go to Hell in the fifth exciting chapter of ELVIRA: TIMESCREAM, brought to you in Elvirascope (no special glasses required) by artist Dave Acosta (TWELVE DEVILS DANCING) and written in Elviravision by David Avallone (BETTIE PAGE), the team who brought you DOC SAVAGE: RING OF FIRE and TWILIGHT ZONE: THE SHADOW.
- 9781524112714
- 9781524112714
- Graphic novels
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout), Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Dynamite Entertainment
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