Ember to Inferno: A Mafia Tale

Ember to Inferno: A Mafia Tale

by Andrew Hartman
Publication Date: 21/10/2023

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In "Ember to Inferno," dive into the gritty underworld of Los Angeles, where Detective Jacob Schitz and his LAPD team battle a mafia kingpin and a damaging media smear campaign. As tensions mount, their quest for justice turns into a perilous journey through betrayal and corruption.

Set against the city's shadowed streets, this thrilling noir novel explores the high stakes of public opinion and the dangerous game between the police and organized crime. Fast-paced and fraught with tension, "Ember to Inferno" captivates with its intense plot twists and deep dive into moral ambiguity.

If you're a fan of "The Godfather" or "The Black Dahlia," "Ember to Inferno" is your next must-read, offering a contemporary look at the cost of justice in a society where truth is often obscured. Prepare for an intense, thought-provoking thriller that questions the price of redemption.

Thriller / suspense
Publication Date:
Andrew Hartman

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