The peace of this world always awakens in the hearts of every individual. We can help each other to develop this by learning to meet each other openly and appreciatively. Aren't we all part of one big family? With the Eye Contact Experiment in 2015, an amazing meditation practice touched the hearts of people all over the world. Tears of emotion flowed. Thousands took part. This book is not meant to be read, but explored. It reveals universal laws about the functioning of consciousness and reveals the mechanisms that make Eye Contact a deeply transformative meditation practice. The potential of this simple form of encounter in silence is incredible. Within a very short time, Eye Contact removes interpersonal barriers and restores the joy of authentic communication. Making contact and approaching other people can finally be fun again, because deep down, all people are good. The topic of social division is also mentioned. The key to healing always lies in our hearts. Eye contact sessions enable deep encounters through mutual, unintentional looking into the eyes of other people; in doing so, everyone also encounters themselves. What is an exciting kick and 'hornier than weed' for many is, for others, a deeply transformative spirituality similar to Zen. May this book be both a guide and a source of inspiration. By purchasing this book you are supporting a good cause and contributing to the healing of the greater whole. I would like to thank you very much for that!
Stefan Kunz, Jahrgang 1968, erforscht Bewusstsein seit 1998 und hält Kurse in den Bereichen Zen, Achtsamkeit, Meditation und Selbsterfahrung. Er lebt mit seiner Frau in Schwarzenbruck bei Nürnberg und widmet sich der Bekanntmachung und Verbreitung der Eye-Contact-Meditation.
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