Vector calculus is the foundation stone on which a vast amount of applied mathematics is based. Topics such as fluid dynamics, solid mechanics and electro-magnetism depend heavily on the calculus of vector quantities in three dimensions. This book covers the material in a comprehensive but concise manner, com-bining mathematical rigour with physical insight. Text Book of Vector Calculus presents the subject in an intuitive fashion, stressing geometric notions and their algebraic and analytical counterparts. Chapter contents are Introduction to Vectors, Vector Algebra, Curvilinear Coordinates, Calculus of Vectors, Integration of Vectors Function, Divergence Theorem, Vectors Line Integrals, Para-llelepidial Product, Curves in Vector Field, Vector Calculus Applications. There are many diagrams to illustrate the physical meaning of the mathematical concepts, which is essential for a full understanding of the subject. Each chapter concludes with a summary of the most important points, and there are worked examples that cover all of the material. The final chapter introduces some of the most important applications of vector calculus, including mechanics and electromagnetism. The subject matter has been discussed in such a simple way that the student will find no difficulty to understand it. The proofs of various theories and examples have been given in minute details. Each chapter of this book contains complete theory and large number of solved examples sufficient problems have also been selected from various Indian universities and competitive examination.

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