The Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Environment, the first of its kind in India, is an effort to keep pace with continuing rapid developments and expanding vocabularies in all areas of environment. This work consisting of four volumes, covers terms which have been carefully selected from the various aspects of environment such as air pollution, water polluter noise pollution, environment management ecology gymnasts, forestry and environment, plants and pollution, energy, wildlife, etc. The envies have been written in clear and explanatory style to provide both straightforward definitions and invaluable background information. This approach, combined with an extensive cross-referencing system, enables the reader to place the each entry into a broader scientific context, Ecology is related to environmental science and is still anew discipline. Terms relating to ecology has been also included. The earth sciences too have changeover the last few years mainly as aresul3 of the examination of cores taken from the deep ocean floor. An attempt has been made to include changes to take account of recent findings. The dictionary will be of value to students of environment and to scientism and engineers working on pollution problems.

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