Escape From Babylon

Escape From Babylon

by Max Purl
Publication Date: 06/05/2023

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Pretend it's Science Fiction, if it helps.

Logos intending meaning into vibration equals creation. Nothing isn't everything. Words are. The spirit is the reality, and love is what lasts forever.

The Antichrist's one-world religion is frequently forecasted, but the world has already belonged to it, since Babylon. The worship of the creation is the world's one religion and always has been. Even Antichrist's mark in devotees of the vicars of God and forgivers of sins is creation worship. But this is just part of the mystery that makes Mystery Babylon.

Sometimes God seems a little too hands-off for our taste. If the existence of evil suits His purposes, does evil exist? Even when He admits to sending it, isn't an evil sometimes deserving of itself? If YHVH gave us every sign we wanted, the illusion our choices were reality would be frayed to the extent they could no longer stand as a test in the judgment. Men must be allowed to try to do what they will, in free acts they perceive to be real, to reveal the extent of their evil for the judgement. Prevention and intervention in this age must largely remain just beneath detection's veil. And if Yahweh had stomped out the rebels like blowing out a candle, then the surviving angels would have begun to wonder if their devotion be out of love or fear. And one who is coerced into giving love is no longer loving.

The word of the LORD came to people in the Old Testament and began speaking to them. "Before Christ" is a bit of a misnomer. In fact, he appears in the Old Testament over seventy times by name (Strong's H3444). The Books we call The Bible are truly supernatural. Besides, Yahshua, the Word, created all things. There is no time or thing before he is. As Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac demonstrated, belief, in action, has always been accounted as righteousness anyway. And Abraham was gifted, for apostate humans can do nothing but fall, on their own. It has always worked the same one way. If the Father's word was coming to them in those Old Testament years, believers in Yah have always believed the Son already.[1]

[1] John 10:30 I and the Father are one.

Joining the meanings into the threads that span both Testaments shows the big picture and time-transcendent Source more readily. It becomes an expedition into Extreme Reality. Of course, I may have uncovered somethings hidden.

Take the famous children's fable of the princess and the frog. We know it's make-believe. And were it not for a careless attitude toward words, everyone would instantly recognize the popular nursery tale is none other than the Theory of Evolution. By glancing over words, an entire world takes a childhood make-believe fantasy: amphibian morphing to man, and calls it science! Darwin's process does take longer than the princess' kiss is said to take to cause the transformation, but outside of exchanging a kiss with time, Darwin is describing the same event manifestation. Darwin's seems a bit less impressive than the magic of a princess' kiss though, one might say. Some claim he stole the idea from some fellows named Wallace or Lamarck, when the answer is clear. The Brothers Grimm wrote it. Time is the princess' kiss. The princess' kiss is time.

The high strangeness of earth religion is a striking portrait of a fallen world, with Lilith/Ishtar/Columbia or Libertas-Apollo, much like temple prostitutes of their days, being as the androgynous Lucifer/Atum/Inanna/Attis, whose phallus was legendarily lost in the days of Osiris and memorialized with obelisk cenotaphs in courtyards, as their worshippers' god's missing penis God. Free Masonry's search for the lost word is the seeking of the phallus of Osiris. Ah, the world…

Behold the reflection of the world in the Books.

Cybernetics & systems theory
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​Max Purl

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