Win your small claims case!
You don't need a lawyer to win in small claims court if you know how to prepare and present your case. Properly preparing for your day in court can make the difference between receiving a check and writing one.
Everybody's Guide to Small Claims Court provides the information, tips, and strategies you need to sue someone successfully or to put up a winning defense in any state. Find out how to:
- file and serve papers
- mediate an out-of-court settlement
- prepare evidence to support your case
- decide the amount to sue for
- line up persuasive witnesses
- present a winning case, and
- collect money when you win.
The 19th edition’s settlement section explains negotiation techniques you can use to settle your small claims case—or any other disagreement you might have—without going to court. You’ll also find the latest procedures for small claims courts in every state, sample letters, legal forms, and links to other resources, including an online statute of limitations chart that will help you determine when you must file your case.
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