Part B of the guide from This is the ePub version, which is less ideal than the pdf version which can be found on our web site. That is a print replica type layout. This ePub can result in some table groups spreading over more than 1 page depending on the font being used to read.
100 pages for both online and live real casinos, covering strategy, calculated odds and techniques for playing and sensible betting. How to counter the wheel manipulation by the casinos, and turn that knowledge to your advantage. Techniques for use on both European and American wheels. Coupled with a vigorous mathematical proof, this is no fantasy get-rich-quick bible. It will reward you, hopefully many times over, but it is not magic, takes dedication and following a framework to achieve results. Our eBook is the EXACT OPPOSITE of almost every roulette book out there which promise you fantasy riches by the weekend. In other words, don't order the Porsche yet, but be realistic and you might get there. Part B can be read either with or without our vast Spreadsheet operating model. You save money if you buy them both together- see the other store option for the 2 bundled together. The model is the most powerful forecast tool available for roulette, yet easy to use by complete novices, allowing the player to follow our guide and construct a strategy of play then see the results for 250+ spins.
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