When lovely Loretta Santana signed on as Griffin Jones's temporary butler, the wealthy playboy discovered he suddenly had a few unexpected problems. One: his petite new butler was a she. Two: she was pregnant. Three: she was eight months pregnant and soon to be a single mom .
All Loretta had wanted was to earn a month's fair wages before her Christmas delivery arrived until she fell for her debonair employer's considerable charms. And it didn't help that the wedding–wary bachelor's protective instincts lurched into overdrive but could Loretta convince the acting daddy–to–be to take on that role for a lifetime?
- 9781460862643
- 9781460862643
- Adult & contemporary romance
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Mills & Boon Forever
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