Will you walk in, pretty fly...and will you walk out once you're trapped inside the spider's lair?
Shayna Vincent returns home to Falcon's Bend after her romance turns disastrous. When she and Gage Keveris became a creative design team at the prestigious Bethany Advertising Agency, she'd had no idea he was married to a career-ambitious woman who traveled more often than she came home. Over the last year and half, Shayna found herself falling in love with her partner and friend without a clue what he was hiding. Now that she knows the truth, she can't bear the pain of being near him when they can't be together.
While staying with her little brother Danny, a Falcon's Bend Police Department detective, she meets up with an old crush from high school. Shawn Futrell has been widowed twice, his third wife is missing, and he's the father of a sixteen-year-old from his first marriage. When Danny finds out his vulnerable sibling has been in contact with Futrell, he tries to put a stop to it by telling her that Shawn's wives' deaths were more than a little suspicious--regardless of whether or not the police have been able to find any evidence to pin on him.
But bad boy Shawn is still movie-star gorgeous, and Shayna can't stop recalling how besotted she was with him as an impressionable teenage girl--one Shawn never took seriously back then but seems intent on making up for lost time now. What pretty fly could resist the invitation of such a seductive spider?
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