Far-Right Extremism Online

Far-Right Extremism Online

by Tine Munk
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 14/06/2024

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By imparting crucial insights into the digital evolution of far-right extremism and its challenges, this book explores how far-right extremism has transformed, utilising digital spaces for communication and employing coded language to evade detection.

Far-right extremism has spread extensively across online platforms. Flourishing within echo chambers, these groups propagate different types of online and offline actions and advance their hateful ideologies to a wide-ranging audience. This book highlights the issues surrounding far-right extremism, which distinguishing it from terrorism and examining its contemporary digital manifestations. Importantly, it sheds light on how far-right groups utilise online platforms for communication, radicalisation, and on-ground actions, relying on alternative truths, misinformation, conspiracy theories, fashion, and memes to connect with like-minded individuals. The book also addresses content moderation challenges and the impact of rising populism in today’s political climate, which fuels societal divisions and uncertainty.

Far-Right Extremism Online is a valuable resource for academics, students, analysts, and professionals working in counter-extremism, cybersecurity, digital communication, and national security. It is also an indispensable guide for those concerned about far-right extremism in the digital age.

Political ideologies
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Taylor & Francis

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