This collection of fiddle tunes originally appeared in 'Kaufman's Collection of American Fiddle Tunes for Flatpicking Guitar' This third volume contains delightful American fiddle tunes brilliantly arranged for flatpicked guitar. All of these tunes are written in guitar-friendly keys in notation and tablature. Intermediate in difficulty, the book includes an explanation of the guitar tablature system and the execution and notation of essential techniques such as bends, slides, hammer-ons and pull-offs. The tunes are thoughtfully printed in alphabetical order and include both standards and lesser-known fiddle melodies. Teachers take note-- this book is a great source of sight-reading material as well as a departure point for improvisation. Comes with access to online audio.
- 9781513403168
- 9781513403168
- Guitar
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout), Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Mel Bay Publications Inc.
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