Fear Breaker

Fear Breaker

by Feby Ardiansyah
Publication Date: 16/06/2024

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Are you tired of living in fear and feeling like a failure? Do you constantly struggle with procrastination, perfectionism, and low motivation, which hold you back from achieving your biggest goals? If so, Fear Breaker has proven solutions to overcome these debilitating issues and unleash your true potential.

As someone who has personally battled fears of failure for years, I understand the mental and emotional toll they can take. I wrote Fear Breaker - to share the strategies and techniques that helped me transform my mindset. You'll discover three powerful methods for conquering procrastination, fear of failure, and perfectionism that I've tested on myself and others.

Chapter by chapter, you'll learn essential insights from this book. You'll learn how to get the most value from this book and how to apply the lessons. You'll uncover the root causes of your fears, from cognitive distortions to trauma and more. The book then guides you through implementing an "Imperfectionist Thinking" approach to reframe failure as a learning experience. It also provides a step-by-step process for mastering productivity habits that will keep you focused and motivated to act daily.

Perhaps most importantly, Fear Breaker teaches the power of visualization. By learning to visualize both the best and worst-case scenarios, you'll program your subconscious to believe in your ability to succeed—even when facing challenges. This proven technique has been shown to boost confidence and performance.

By the end, you'll leave feeling inspired, equipped, and ready to start achieving at a whole new level. So, if you're tired of living in fear and underachieving, Fear Breaker holds the key to unlocking your true potential. Don't wait any longer - order your copy today and start overcoming procrastination, fear of failure, and perfectionism for good!

Publication Date:
Feby Ardiansyah

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