You don't need to read or study volumes of textbooks on public speaking to begin your public speaking journey, and of course nobody wants to.
You don't need a 400 page piece of literature to understand the skills to become proficient in speaking. If you are looking at this title, it means you want to jumpstart your public speaking immediately, to know the proven tools that will aid you become excellent in the art.
This is why this bite sized approach to the greatest phobia that frustrates more than half of the world's population was created.
You can call it "The Super Short Guide to Great Speaking", because that's what it is, a straight to the point no nonsense guide on delivering powerful presentations.
In this book, you discover how to use the fear of audiences to your advantage, to stop running from and begin running to audiences.
In this 40 page ebook, you'll learn:
- How to Master Fright
- How to Conquer Fear and 10x Your Speaking Skills
- The Art of Crafting your Introduction
- How to Get Your Meat
- The Laws of Speaking
- The Lifeblood of the Speaker
- En Theos: God Within
- How to Memorize Your Presentation
- How to Up Your Diction
Explore the 9 Secrets that will revolutionise your speaking. Hop on aboard and change your life.
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