Five Children's Picture Book Stories 5

Five Children's Picture Book Stories 5

by Oliver T. Spedding
Publication Date: 10/03/2024

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Horrible Howard

A very angry crocodile is shot by the ranger and its skin made into a handbag. The handbag retains the angry nature of the crocodile and is called Horrible Howard by the other handbags. Horrible Howard is purchased by an old lady but when he keeps spitting out her belongings she throws him out and he ends up in the rubbish dump. Because of his angry nature the other inhabitants of the rubbish dump avoid Nasty Norman and soon he feels lost and lonely. One day the paper bag explains to Horrible Howard that other people react to our behaviour and so we can affect the way that people behave towards us by our attitude towards them. But can Horrible Howard change his ways? A fun read with a simple message.

Larry and the Grain of Sugar

Because he is clever and fearless, Larry the ant is one of the Ant Queen's favorite subjects. One day when Larry is out foraging for food, he comes across one of the biggest grains of sugar he has ever seen. Sugar is one of the favorite foods of the ants and very important to the Queen ant's health. Using a short strand of spider's web, Larry ties the grain of sugar onto his back and sets off for the ant's nest. As Larry hurries back to the ant's nest he is confronted by a large praying mantis. a large caterpillar, a ladybird, a large moth, a cockroach, two snails, a fly and a huge spider. Can Larry outwit these enemies and reach the ant's nest safely. A fun story.

Papa Bear and the Porridge

Ever since that naughty little girl Goldilocks invaded their home the Bear family has been eating their porridge in the evenings instead of in the mornings. Nothing that Mama Bear does ever satisfies Papa Bear. When Mama Bear goes to weed the cabbage patch Papa Bear sees an opportunity to show his wife how the household should be run. Can Papa Bear succeed in showing Mama Bear what he is capable of doing? A fun read with a simple message.

The Elephant's Memory

Elephant believes that he has lost his memory and the other animals set out to find the missing memory that Owl describes as being "round and brown". The missing memory is discovered being kicked around by the children on the playing field in the nearby village. The animals attempt to recover the memory and eventually skunk manages to retrieve it. They return the lost memory to Elephant but he tells them that it is a football. Then he explains why he believes that he has lost his memory. A fun read with a simple message.


A young brave named Scar-face with heavy facial scars from a fight with a bear, falls in love with the chieftain's daughter, Aponi, but is forbidden to marry her by the Sun-god. He sets out to find the Sun-god and get permission to marry his love and eventually comes to a deep lake and is transported across it by two swans. He meets the Sun-god and goes hunting with the Sun-god's son, Apisirahts, the Morning Star. During the hunt Apisirahts is attacked by some savage birds. Can Scar-face save him and get the Sun-god's permission to marry Aponi? A North American myth.

Comic strip fiction / graphic novels (Children's / Teenage)
Publication Date:
Oliver Spedding

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