Suspicion mounts as Vicki fears there is a traitor in their midst—could there really be an imposter attempting to lure the Young Trib Force into a trap that could end their lives? As Judd, Lionel, and Sam hatch a plan to reach Sam’s father one more time, they narrowly escape Global Community capture. And what comes next for Judd is even more startling. Join the Young Trib Force as they risk their lives to help others learn the truth while they avoid the tightening grip of the Global Community forces.
The events in Frantic parallel those that occur in the bestselling Assassins book.
- 9781414363677
- 9781414363677
- Uncategorized
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Tyndale House Publishers
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