This work is a deconstruction of the discursive constructs of Frantz Fanon in his final work "The Wretched of the Earth" and their application to the reality of the 21st century in the neo-colonial world. These constructs are: decolonisation and violence, the nature of power and power relations of neo-colonial African states, the neo-colonial existential condition and the impact of the Algerian war of liberation on the psyche of Algerians. This deconstruction unearthed Fanon's gesture to the formulation of the discursive construct of the colonial-neo-colonial continuum and its pre-cursor the enslavement-colonialism continuum.
- 9789769624511
- 9789769624511
- Social & political philosophy
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Daurius Figueira
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