Fruits of Victory

Fruits of Victory

by Elaine F. Weiss
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 23/02/2012

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From 1917 to 1920 the WomanÆs Land Army (WLA) brought thousands of city workers, society women, artists, business professionals, and college students into rural America to take over the farm work after men were called to wartime service. These women wore military-style uniforms, lived in communal camps, and did what was considered ômen's worköùthat is, plowing fields, driving tractors, planting, harvesting, and hauling lumber. The Land Army insisted its ôfarmerettesö be paid wages equal to male farm laborers and be protected by an eight-hour workday. These farmerettes were shocking at first and encountered skeptical farmersÆ scorn, but as they proved themselves willing and capable, farmers began to rely upon the women workers and became their loudest champions.

While the WomanÆs Land Army was deeply rooted in the great political and social movements of its dayùsuffrage, urban and rural reform, womenÆs education, scientific management, and labor rightsùit pushed into new, uncharted territory and ventured into areas considered off-limits. More than any other womenÆs war work group of the time, the Land Army took pleasure in breaking the rules. It challenged conventional thinking on what was ôproperö work for women to do, their role in wartime, how they should be paid, and how they should dress.

The WLAÆs short but spirited life also foreshadowed some of the most profound and contentious social issues America would face in the twentieth century: womenÆs changing role in society and the workplace, the problem of social class distinctions in a democracy, the mechanization and urbanization of society, the role of science and technology, and the physiological and psychological differences between men and women.
Social & cultural history
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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Potomac Books Inc

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