Gangland Oz

Gangland Oz

by James Morton and Susanna Lobez
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 28/08/2017

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Devious, daring, cunning … but ultimately too greedy, too cocky. Gangland Oz: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow exposes the country's pantheon of crooks and criminals since the first convicts stepped ashore and got to work. Ten years on from the original bestselling Gangland Australia, top true-crime writer James Morton and barrister and broadcaster Susanna Lobez conspire again to track the rise and fall of Australia’s talented contract killers, brothel keepers, robbers, bikers, standover merchants, conmen and drug dealers. They examine the role of police, politicians and lawyers who have aided and busted criminal empires and look at the recent rise of youth gangs, cyber crime, identity theft and sexploitation scams.

Vivid and explosive, Gangland Oz: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow is compulsive reading.

True crime
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Melbourne University Publishing
James Morton

James Morton rose to fame in 2012 when he reached the final of the Great British Bake-Off. Since then he has become a columnist for the Sunday Mail, founded his own popular baking blog, written for the Good Pub Guide, amassed a huge social media following and written several best-selling food & drink books. In addition to baking and writing he also loves brewing his own beer and has won several national home brewing awards.

Susanna Lobez

Susanna Lobez is an actor-turned-barrister-turned-broadcaster. She has been an ABC specialist legal broadcaster on The Law Report (radio) and Law Matters (TV). She has written feature articles for The Age and columns for the Sunday Herald Sun.

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