- Popular, proven format: around 40,000 copies of the Ghostly Tales series have sold
- Market: The horror genre ranks fifth in revenue by genre, bringing in nearly $80 million in 2020
- 28 fascinating stories of reported paranormal activity throughout Wisconsin
- Ghostly tales from a range of towns and cities throughout the state, from Ashland in the northwest to Kenosha in the southeast
- Wisconsin’s most famous haunts, as well as lesser known tales
- Thrilling stories based on accurate, reportedly true accounts
- Compelling short stories, perfect for sharing around a campfire
- Award-winning author is a horror fan and a professional writer
- 9781647553128
- 9781647553128
- Unexplained phenomena / the paranormal
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Adventure Publications
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