This book comprises selected papers presented during the International Conference "Global Environmental Change: Challenges for Science and Society in South-Eastern Europe" held 19-21 May 2008 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The conference goal was to assess recent knowledge on global environmental change and related impacts in countries of the Balkan and neighboring southeastern European region. The focus on this region is due to the present sensitivity to global change and the anticipated increased sensitivity in the future.
The intention of this volume is to provide an updated summary of the Conference presentations which are aimed at a wide audience of readers including, university teachers, researchers, decision-makers of different administrative units, managers of relevant companies.
"Global Environmental Change: Challenges for Science and Society in South-Eastern Europe" begins with and Introduction and four keynote chapters giving a more general perspective of the conference topics. The chapters encompass results from studies on climate change, land use change, changes in the carbon and water cycles, air quality, etc. Beyond the work of scientists and actions of governments, civil society has a major stake in dealing with environmental changes including actions to address, resulting impacts and to exploit new opportunities.
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